13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference
5-8 May 2014, Salvador, Brazil
“Science communication for social inclusion and political engagement”
We are a month away from deadline to submit proposals of roundtables, workshops, individual papers to the 13th International PCST (Public Communication of Science and Technology) Conference that will be held in Salvador, Brazil, from 5th to 8th of May 2014. The deadline will be due on 23:59 (GMT) of 1st of September, 2013.
This is the first time a PCST Conference – one of the leading foruns on science communication worldwide – will be held in Latin America.
PCST 2014 is organized by the PCST International Network and hosted by the Museu da Vida (Museum of Life), a hands-on science museum of House of Oswaldo Cruz/Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), and the Laboratory of
Advanced Studies in Journalism, at the State University of Campinas (Labjor/Unicamp). The conference also counts on other organizations as partners and the support of CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development), Department of Popularization and Dissemination of Science and Technology of MCTI (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation), Fapesb (Bahia Research Foundation), Fapesp (São Paulo Research Foundation) and Fapemig (Minas Gerais Research Foundation), and SciDev.Net as media partner.
The PCST International Network and the Brazilian conference hosts have pleasure in inviting you to submit proposals for presentations at this major event. Proposals are invited for presentations on science
communication and science-in-society research, science journalism, science museums, and public engagement with science and technology.
The deadline for proposals is 23:59 (GMT) on 1st September 2013.
Submitted proposals will be reviewed by members of the PCST Scientific Committee.
PCST conferences are a forum for discussing a wide range of issues in science communication practice, training and research but proposals for PCST 2014 are especially welcome on the conference’s main theme
• Science communication for social inclusion and political engagement and on the following dimensions of science communication:
• Science communication empowering scientists and the public
• Communicating science with policy-makers
• Beliefs, values and scientific citizenship
• Local community knowledge and global context
• New technologies and new practices in science communication
• Emerging issues of science and society
For further information, please visit www.pcst-2014.org<http://www.pcst-2014.org/>
Visit and share our Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/PCST2014