The European Commission promotes The European Forum on Science and Society that will be held in Brussels from the 9th to the 11th of March.
Science has become ‘hard-wired’ into our society and permeates every aspect of our lives. As the scientific, social, ethical and economic stakes get higher, the scientific community and society at large need to engage in a deep-seated dialogue. The European Union – and its Member States – have spearheaded efforts in recent years to draw together the ‘innovation triangle’: science, society and the economy.
The Science in Society Forum 2005 will review the success of these efforts and plot a new course forward in the form of a Charter on the Future of Science in Society.
Society needs science and science needs society. This means that effective communications are one important aspect of the relationship between science and society.
As scientists push back the frontiers of knowledge; this is bound to have major societal and ethical implications. Therefore, a broad public dialogue to set the research agenda is becoming increasingly necessary.
In light of this, the Science in Society Forum 2005 will explore four main themes:
- Science, society and the Lisbon Strategy
- Science, technology and democracy
- Towards a culture of science communication
- Fostering diversity, inclusiveness and equality in science
It will also showcase current examples in the following areas:
- Popularisation of science
- Public debates and participatory processes
- Addressing various groups in society
A series of national mirror events, one of them organized by Observa association and named the the First Italian Forum on Science and Society, will help set the tone and agenda for the Forum. In addition, a special assessment of the Commission’s groundbreaking 2001 Science and Society Action Plan, and a Eurobarometer survey of citizens’ attitudes towards science are being specially prepared ahead of the gathering.
In the contributions page Etienne Magnien, Head of Strategy and Policy Unit of the Directorate for Science and Society at the European Commission, explains the European Forum premises and meanings.
More information and details are available at the Forum home page.