On 13th November 2012, in occasion of its tenth anniversary, EFSA – European Food Safety Authority holds the High Level Conference Ready for the Challenges of Tomorrow in collaboration with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO). Among the speakers Marit Paulsen and José Bové (Vice-Chairs of the European Parliament’s Agriculture and Rural Development Committee) and Derek Byrne (former EU Commissioner for Health).
Massimiano Bucchi will take part in the round table Can Science Work Harder to Support Policy Makers in Protecting Consumers?, chaired by Vivienne Parry from BBC. During the conference an animated video taken from Massimiano Bucchi’s book Scientisti e antiscientisti. Perché scienza e società non si capiscono (il Mulino, 2011) will be projected.
More info at www.efsa.europa.eu.