The Euroscience Open Forum 2010 which took place in Torino, 2-7 July 2010, attracted participants from all over the world: representatives of science, politics and industry, but also teachers, students, journalists – and of course, members of the general public with a passion for science.
Over 4,300 participants registered for the event, with more than 400 international journalists and an estimated grand total of 75,000 visitors involved.
The opening ceremony involved high representatives of political and scientific institutions, both Italian and European, including the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano.
Several meetings and sessions involved members of Observa Scientific Committee: Martin Bauer, Massimiano Bucchi, Giuseppe Pellegrini, Giuseppe Testa and Brian Trench; during the Pizza with the Prof the event, young people had the opportunity to discuss informally with scientists and experts on research and its social dimensions.
Scientists and scientific communicators, students and university researchers, teachers and representatives of institutions visited Observa stand at Esof, showing great interest in Observa’s initiatives and projects, publications and documents.
Many of them also took part in the quiz game Who want to be a scientist … in society?, designed by Observa and partners specially for the Esof event, testing their knowledge of science in society issues.
Watch the videos of sessions:
• Informing and engaging citizens on climate change issues – Luigi Amodio, Bruna Valettini, Giuseppe Pellegrini, Walter Staveloz.
• Scientific cultures across Europe: Similarities and differences – Brian Trench, Martin Bauer, Massimiano Bucchi, Esa Valiverronen.
• What are the challenges to a democratic participation in scientific progress? – Giuseppe Testa, Giovanni Boniolo, Massimiano Bucchi, Herbert Gottweis, Christine Hauskeller, Matteo Mameli.
• Breaking into the media: What training do scientists need? – Nico Pitrelli, Elisabetta Tola, Steven Miller, Brian Trench.
Interviews and articles:
• Torino, città (di scienza) aperta interview to Luigi Civalleri, Paul Ruebig and Massimiano Bucchi.
• Global Esof – interview to Giuseppe Pellegrini.
• Extracampus, ESOF Container – Terza puntata. Guests: Piero Angela and Massimiano Bucchi.
• Università di Torino Premio “Una donna nel Mondo”, Speciale ESOF2010, guests: Sergio Barbero, Massimiano Bucchi, Marco Ivaldi, Marzia Lucianer.
• Curiosi, preparati ed entusiasti, Tuttoscienze – La Stampa, article by Massimiano Bucchi.