Evolution is a central concept in many spheres of human endeavour, ranging from astrophysics and genetics to philosophy and psychology. Reflection about evolution is reflection about ourselves, our future and our place in the universe.
In pursuit of the objectives set by the First World Conference on the Future of Science, we have chosen evolution as the theme of the Second Conference – a theme central to science and to society as a whole.
The Second Venice Conference brought together authorities of international renown from various disciplines to contribute their views and engage in debate with all participants.
In order to highlight the importance of the relationship between the scientific world and society, Observa and Veronesi Foundation promoted a round table on Evolution and Society: how evolution is perceived by society and by educators. Chaired by Telmo Pievani, journalist, the round table saw the participation of Gaspare Barbiellini Amidei, Massimiano Bucchi, Gilberto Corbellini, Marco Ferraguti and Giovanni Puglisi.(The round table video, as well as the videos of the other conferences held in Venice during the Second Venice Conference on the Future of Science, are available here).
the Second Venice Conference on the Future of Science was a Conference in which researchers and experts will interact with politicians, economists, managers, teachers, journalists and all women and men of culture, who wish to explore and debate the impact of concepts of evolution on our lives and take part in delineating a new role for science in tomorrow’s world.