Future of Science is a cycle of annual international conferences jointly organised by the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi, the Fondazione Silvio Tronchetti Provera and the Fondazione Giorgio Cini.
The Sixth World Conference on the Future of Science “Virus: the invisible enemy” will take place in Venice, 19-21 September 2010.
Speakers of international renown from various disciplines will explain how viruses have evolved, how man has coped with viruses in the past, how a virus enters and takes over a cell and evades the host defenses as well as the role of viruses in cancer.
Among the speakers Massimiano Bucchi who will speak about The visible virus: media representations of virus and pandemics, presenting new data from the Science in Society Monitor and from the Science in the Media Monitor, the first systematic monitoring of the coverage of science and technology in the main Italian media, developed by Observa – Science in Society.
For more information see the conference programme of the days.